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In four years, all ECHS@MC students will graduate with an associate's degree and a high school diploma; all students will graduate prepared for a bachelor's degree program while demonstrating commitment to self and community.


ECHS @ MC will create a culture that focuses on the following:

     *Core Values:  Honesty, Kindness, Responsibility, Integrity, Desire and Respect

     *Educational Excellence for Each Student

     *Strong Self Esteem and High Personal Expectations

Developing these skills is the corner stone of the education we offer.  Students will have success for today and be prepared for tomorrow. 

Common Instructional Framework


ECHS @ MC uses a common instructional framework consisting of six instructional strategies.  These strategies create classrooms that allow for powerful learning and powerful teaching and form the basis of a coherent college prepatory curriculum.  They give all students of all skill levels access to the complex information needed to meet state and college-ready standards.  These instructional strategies succeed because they engage all students in learning and require them to take an active role in their education. 


Collaborative Group Work:  Collaborative group work involves bringing students together in small groups for the common purpose of engaging in learning.  Effective group work is well planned and strategic.  Students are grouped intentionally with each student held accountable for contributing to the group work.  Activities are designed so that students with diverse skill levels are supported as well as challenged by their peers.  Collaborative group work uses questioning, scaffolding and classroom take and centers literacy groups.


Writing to Learn:  Writing to learn is a strategy through which students can develop their ideas, their critical thinking ability and their writing skills.  Writing to learn enables students to experiment every day with written language and increase their fuluency and mastery of written conventions.  Writing to learn can also be used as formative assessment and as a way to scaffold mid-and high-stakes writing assignments and tests.


Questioning:  Questioning challenges students and teachers to use good questions as a way to open conversations and further intellectual inquiry.  Effective questioning (by the teacher and by the students) deepens classroom conversations and the level of discourse students apply to their work.  Teachers use this strategy to create opportunities for students to investigate and analyze their thinking as well as the thinking of their peers and the authors that they read in each of their classes.


Scaffolding:  Scaffolding helps students to connect prior knowledge and experience with new information.  Teachers use this strategy to connect students with previous learning in a content area as well as with previous learning in an earlier grade.  Scaffolding also helps facilitate thinking about a text by asking students to draw on their subjective experience and prior learning to make connections to new materials and ideas.


Classroom Talk:  Classroom talk creates the space for students to articulate their thinking and strengthen their voice.  Classroom talk takes place in pairs, in collaborative group work and as a whole class.  As students become accustomed to talking in class, the teacher serves as a facilitator to engage students in higher levels of discourse.  Classroom talk opens the space for questioning, effective scaffolding and successful collaborative group work and literacy groups.


Literacy Groups:  Literacy groups provide students with a collaborative structure for understanding a variety of texts and engaging in a higher level of discourse.  Group roles traditionally drive literacy groups by giving each student a role to play and a defined purpose within the group.  The specific roles or discussion guidelines may vary for different content areas, lengths of texts, or student level of sophistication using this strategy, but the purpose of literacy groups is to raise student engagement with texts by creating a structure within which they may do so.

Early College HS @ MC



Located on the campus of Midland College, Early College High School @ Midland College is a joint effort between the Midland Independent School District and Midland College to provide students with the opportunity and support necessary to achieve their goal of post secondary education.  Upon the completion of four years, it is expected that students will receive a high school diploma from MISD as well as an associate's degree from Midland College through the confluence of high school courses and dual credit opportunities.  The first class was welcomed in the Fall of 2009. 


EarlyCollege HS @ Midland College

Rising above, going beyond,and conquering all!

Early College High Schools...the history:

Early college high school is a bold approach, based on the principle that academic rigor, combined with the opportunity to save time and money, is a powerful motivator for students to work hard and meet serious intellectual challenges. Early college high schools blend high school and college in a rigorous yet supportive program, compressing the time it takes to complete a high school diploma and the first two years of college..

Since 2002, the partner organizations of the Early College High School Initiative have started or redesigned more than 200 schools in 24 states and the District of Columbia. The schools are designed so that low-income youth, first-generation college goers, English language learners, students of color, and other young people underrepresented in higher education can simultaneously earn a high school diploma and an Associate’s degree or up to two years of credit toward a Bachelor’s degree—tuition free..

Jobs for the Future coordinates the Early College High School Initiative and provides support
to the partners and to the effort as a whole.


What are early college high schools?

Early college high schools are small schools designed so that students can earn both a high school diploma and an Associate’s degree or up to two years of credit toward a Bachelor’s degree. Early college high schools have the potential to improve high school graduation rates and better prepare students for high-skill careers by engaging all students in a rigorous, college preparatory curriculum and compressing the number of years to a college degree.

Why do we need early college high schools?

A postsecondary education is almost essential for financial and personal freedom in today’s economy. A four-year college graduate earns two-thirds more than a high school graduate does. An Associate’s degree translates into earnings significantly higher than those earned by an individual with a high school diploma alone.

National statistics on the progression of students from high school to college illustrate why it is imperative to better connect and integrate secondary and postsecondary schooling. For example:

  • Young people from the middle-class and wealthy families are almost five times more likely to earn a two- or four-year college degree than those from low-income families.

  • For every 100 low-income students who start high school, only 65 will get a high school diploma and only 45 will enroll in college. Only 11 will complete a postsecondary degree. (Source: JFF analysis of data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study for students from the lowest-income SES quintile. The period of time measured includes outcomes from students’ entry as ninth graders in 1988 to the year 2000.)

  • High school graduates from poor families who score in the top testing quartile are no more likely than their lowest-scoring, affluent peers to attend college. The former enroll at rates of 78 percent; the latter at 77 percent. (Based on the high school graduating class of 1992; source: Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, 2001.)

  • Nearly half of our nation’s African-American students and nearly 40 percent of Latino students attend high schools in which graduation from high school is not the norm. In the nation’s 900 to 1,000 urban “dropout factories,” completing high school is a 50:50 proposition at best. (Source: Robert Balfanz and Nettie Legters. 2004. Locating the Dropout Crisis—Which High Schools Produce the Nation’s Dropouts? Where Are They Located? Who Attends Them? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University.)

Such data call for radical interventions to increase the number of low-income young people gaining postsecondary credentials. Clearly, bold education policies and practices are needed to ensure that more young people earn the postsecondary credentials that are crucial to their individual economic security and to the viability of our nation’s economy.

Aren’t high school students too young to do college work?

Over the last decade, opportunities have expanded for high school students to earn college credit. Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses and their accompanying tests give many students ways to take college-level courses from their regular teachers, usually during their senior year. Students in dual enrollment programs remain formally enrolled in high school but take college courses, taught by either high school or college faculty, in classrooms located either at their high school or on a college campus. At the same time, more and more community colleges are developing ways to accelerate high school students (as well as high school dropouts) by enrolling them in college courses. Meanwhile, a variety of postsecondary incentive programs reward students with free or reduced college tuition for finishing some college work in high school. And, at the most dramatic end of the continuum, students at middle colleges and early college high schools can complete up to two years of a college program while still enrolled in high school.

Until recently, this educational terrain of college-courses-in-high-school belonged almost exclusively to a small, privileged group of young people: those whose families could afford high-quality private high schools and those in well-funded public schools that offered Advanced Placement and similar options to their highest-achieving students. But today’s programs that allow students to earn college credit in high school are no longer limited to elite schools. Students from a wide range of backgrounds and with diverse prior accomplishments are demonstrating that the academic challenge provided by college-level courses can be an inspiration, not a barrier. The job of early college high school faculty and partners is to refine the instructional practices and wraparound support structures that move students from inspiration to true achievement. Some of the most promising strategies currently in use in early college high schools include: adopting school-wide literacy practices, focusing on inquiry-based instruction across grade levels and content areas, and creating “shadow” or “lab” courses to complement college courses.

The question for the future is the degree to which opportunities like these will increase the number of young people who gain a postsecondary credential—especially among those who remain underrepresented in higher education.

Who does the Early College High School Initiative serve?

The Early College High School Initiative focuses on young people for whom the transition into postsecondary education is now problematic. Its priority is to serve low-income young people, first-generation college goers, English language learners, and students of color, all of whom are statistically underrepresented in higher education and for whom society often has low aspirations for academic achievement. The initiative will increase the number of these young people who attain an Associate’s degree or two years of college credit and the opportunity to attain a Bachelor’s degree.

As of the 2006-07 school year:

  • Over 20,000 students in 24 states are attending early college high schools.

  • Two-thirds of students enrolled in early college high schools are African-American or Latino.

  • Eight early college high schools target and serve Native students.

  • Twelve schools specifically serve students who previously dropped out or were unsuccessful in traditional high schools.

  • The majority of students enrolled in early college high schools across the nation will be the first in their family to attend college.

  • Nearly 60 percent of early college high school students are eligible for free and reduced lunch.

How many early college high schools are there now? How many will there be?

As of the 2008-09 school year, the Early College High School Initiative had started more than 200 schools in 24 states. Through the initiative’s continued efforts, the 13 partner organizations will ultimately open about 250 small high schools, serving over 100,000 students annually.

The Design


What do all early college high schools have in common?

Each early college high school develops a unique vision and a learning environment that represents community interests and student needs. However, all early college high schools share the following characteristics:

  • Students have the opportunity to earn an Associate’s degree or up to two years of transferable college credit while in high school.

  • Mastery and competence are rewarded with enrollment in college-level courses and the opportunity to earn two years of college credit for free.

  • The years to a postsecondary degree are compressed.

  • The middle grades are included in the school, or there is outreach to middle-grade students to promote academic preparation and awareness of the early college high school option.

  • Schools provide academic and social supports that help students succeed in a challenging course of study.

  • Learning takes place in small learning environments that demand rigorous, high-quality work and provide extensive support.

  • The physical transition between high school and college is eliminated—and with it the need to apply for college and for financial aid during the last year of high school.


How is early college high school connected to other high school reforms?

Early college high school is not the only effective way to improve education; rather it is one among a number of promising approaches for improving education for all young people. In particular, early college high school shares the attributes of high-performing small schools:

  • A common focus on key, research-based goals and an intellectual mission;

  • Small, personalized learning environments, with no more than 100 students per grade;

  • Respect and responsibility among students, among faculty, and between students and faculty;

  • Time for staff collaboration and for including parents and the community in an education partnership;

  • Technology as a tool for designing and delivering engaging, imaginative curricula; and

  • Rigorous academic standards for both high school work and the first two years of college-level studies.

Is early college high school designed for gifted and talented kids?

As with many innovative educational pathways to a high school degree and beyond, early college high school is appropriate for a wide variety of young people. The partners in the initiative believe that encountering the rigor, depth, and intensity of college work at an earlier age inspires average, underachieving, and well-prepared high school students. However, the small schools being created through the Early College High School Initiative focus on students for whom a smooth transition into postsecondary education is now problematic.

What is the difference between early college high school and dual enrollment or Advanced Placement?

What sets early college high school apart from dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, and other pre-college programs is the reach and coherence of the blended academic program and a relentless focus on underrepresented students. As with early college high school, Advanced Placement and dual enrollment strategies give students a taste of college, yielding multiple benefits: for students, better preparation for college; for institutions, lower remediation costs and higher retention; and for high schools, improved understanding of the demands of college and an expanded set of curricular offerings. However, only early college high school:

  • Fully integrates students’ high school and college experiences, both intellectually and socially;

  • Enables students to earn up to two years of college credit toward a degree while in high school, not just a few college credits;

  • Blends the curriculum as a coherent unit, with high school and college-level work melded into a single academic program that meets the requirements for both a high school diploma and, potentially, an Associate’s degree;

  • Grants college credits through the postsecondary partner institution and enables students to accumulate the credits toward a degree from that institution or to transfer them to another college.


Why is the goal for students to earn two years of college credit?

Two years of college is the minimum required to put young people on the road to a middle-class income, but the high school-to-college transition is a point at which the education system loses many young people. To ease this transition, early college high school consciously integrates the high school and college experiences. The curriculum is designed as a coherent unit, with high school and college-level work blended into a single academic program. These schools allow young people to focus on their studies in their last years of high school, rather than be distracted by the daunting maze of college and financial aid applications. Just as important, this makes college far more affordable for students and their families, who save two years worth of college tuition. By the time students have graduated from an early college high school, they have gone well past the “20 credit threshold” that is a key breaking point between students who complete a college degree and those who never finish college. (Source: Clifford Adelman, 2006. The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion from High School Through College. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.)

How do early college high schools organize to promote student success?

Early college high schools offer a much-needed alternative to traditional high school programs and emphasize academic preparation, support, and success in higher education. Based on research and practice about what helps underrepresented young people prepare for success in high school and postsecondary education, early college high schools have three key features that promote success for even the most struggling students:

  • Small size. Early college high schools enroll 100 or fewer students per grade. Students are well-known by adults.

  • Personalization and student supports. There is an emphasis on assessing students and providing supports based on the identified needs of individual students.

  • Power of place. Early colleges draw on the college environment and experience to build students’ identity as college goers.

What is the role of the postsecondary partners?

Each school in the Early College High School Initiative is a partnership between a school district and a postsecondary partner. The postsecondary partners include community and technical colleges, four-year colleges, and universities (both private and public). The postsecondary partners are key players in the design and day-to-day operation of early college high schools, which treat the high schools years and the first two years of college as a single, coherent course of study.

An early college high school requires sustained involvement from both the secondary and postsecondary sides. Administrators and faculty from the postsecondary institution participate in the life of the early college high school both formally and informally. Their involvement includes participation in: school planning processes and governing boards, curriculum committees, syllabus planning activities, co-delivery of courses with high school faculty, provision of tutors, mentors and student teachers, and the creation of “scaffolded” learning experiences such as “bridge” courses to ease the transition to college-level work and mini-seminars for younger students.


Do early college high school students pay college tuition to get credit for college courses?

No. Early college high school courses, including college-level courses taken on the campuses of partner colleges, are free to students.

What do students do after they complete early college high school?

When students complete early college high school, they have a high school diploma and a significant number of college credits or even an Associate’s degree. Either outcome gives early college high school graduates a leg up when they enter a two- or four-year college or university. The initiative’s partnering schools, colleges, and organizations expect this jumpstart will increase the number of young people who earn a Bachelor’s degree. This expectation is supported by current research on pathways to college completion, which recognizes the “20-credit threshold” as the breaking point between students who complete a college degree and those who do not. (Source: Clifford Adelman. 2006. The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion from High School Through College. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.)



The Outcomes


What is the early evidence that early college works?

Although the initiative is relatively young, early data from early college high schools are promising. First, the schools are reaching their target populations. Nationally, roughly three-fourths of the young people attending early college high schools are students of color, while nearly 60 percent report eligibility for free or reduced-priced lunch (a conservative indication of the number of students from low-income families). Most students attending early college high schools will be the first in their families to go to college.

In contrast to alarming national data for students with similar demographic profiles, attendance rates for early college high school students average over 90 percent, indicating high levels of student engagement and commitment to the academic program. Grade-to-grade promotion rates in early college high schools also exceed 90 percent, and the first students have graduated with impressive results.

In 2006, three early college high schools granted diplomas to their first graduating classes. Those 115 seniors achieved dramatic success:

  • 80 percent were accepted to four-year colleges.
  • 85 percent graduated with 30 to 60 college credits.
  • Over 57 percent graduated with an Associate’s degree.

In 2007, more than 900 students graduated from 17 early college high schools around the country. Their achievements far surpass those of their peers from traditional high schools serving similar populations. Preliminary data show that:

  • Over 65 percent of the graduates were accepted to four-year colleges. Others have chosen to complete an Associate’s degree by spending a fifth year at their early college high school.
  • More than 85 percent graduated with substantial college credit.
  • More than 250 early college high school graduates earned merit-based college scholarships. Four earned the prestigious Gates Millennium Scholarship, awarded to 1,000 high-achieving, low-income students each year.

Additional data on outcomes will be available from the Student Information System (SIS). The SIS is a highly secure system that provides data to support the Early College High School Initiative. The SIS collects aggregated data and unidentifiable, student-level data for the period beginning at least two years prior to enrollment in the early college high school through graduation or departure from the school. Schools and school districts supply data related to a number of broad categories: staffing, student demographics, student longitudinal information, early college high school courses, student GPA, transcripts, student enrollment, student discipline, student attendance, and graduation. The SIS will document students’ post-early college high school enrollment in higher education through the National Student Clearinghouse. The SIS is coordinated by Jobs for the Future and Public Consulting Group.